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That Little Zing

That Little Zing

Piper stared at the wall of glass, unable to see the plane on the tarmac through the whirling, swirl of snow. Instead, her own reflection gazed back at her; coppery curls were threatening to escape the careless twist at the back of her head, the normally creamy complexion had been replaced by a sickly, pale undertone, and there were dark circles underneath her red-rimmed eyes, which were the color of soft moss. She barely recognized this woman. “Damn blizzard! God, I hate this place,” she...

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Creature of Habit

I am as strong as the thickest steel, able to bear the heaviest of burdens I am as flexible as the dandelion stem swaying in the breeze, able to find compromise between the rock and the hard place I am soft as baby’s first blanket, able to feel emotions as vast as the ocean I am woman Do I not cry when the harshest of words have been uttered Do I not sacrifice myself to protect my loved ones when the world seeks to crush their spirit Does my heart not sing on high when one of my own has found...

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