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“Ewww Froggy,” Pat squealed as she ran from Gary. “Stay away,” she shouted, “I don’t want to get warts.” The other girls laughed and screamed also fleeing Gary’s presence as he stood there with a foolish smile on his face. It was 1960, lunch time in the playground of St. Vincent’s school, children running around playing, enjoying the sunshine of the warm spring day. The girls wore their uniforms, green and blue plaid skirts, and blue sweater over white blouses. The boys had...

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She popped her head up, instantly alert. Something wasn’t right, a faint odor, but, more than that, a danger she sensed, unseen, but present nonetheless. Her eyes widened, pupils dilated while her head swivelled around looking for the threat and her nostrils flared seeking the origins of the weak odor. She moved her ears forward and back in an effort to hear the thing’s movement, but nothing stirred. Her entire body tensed as the invisible presence grew stronger. She would need to do...

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