She sails under a moonshadow on the back of a white swan. Tears fall down her cheeks because her heart is unloved. She sees twilight in the water then turns around to face it. A star...
Read MoreShe sails under a moonshadow on the back of a white swan. Tears fall down her cheeks because her heart is unloved. She sees twilight in the water then turns around to face it. A star...
Read MoreThere awoke in me, on a night enlightened by magnificent starlight, fancies for poetic pursuit in the name of love. And of this, an autumn-haired, spring-eyed beauty of sweet unawareness. I...
Read MoreI see more than you know about all you are, and through my observations and from my analysis I’ve concluded that I love you. Not a theory quite simply a fact— I love you, and...
Read MoreTalk to me in the comfort of fresh morning when a bird’s song I may enjoy as the cold of night surrenders to the warmth of dawn and there comes no sound from the telephone or...
Read MoreWe do not need thoroughfares when love seeks the heart Such is the way of love— always destined, never sought We do not need gold coins when love comes without cost Such is the value of...
Read MoreThere are instances of half-sleep, whispers that bite in the last word before trailing off into a sound of peace; mourning for those few moments that slip into your heart with the reality...
Read MoreThe water taxi docks on the pier in New York. We look around into the tourist faces, grateful at not needing a cultural passport. One thing learned from being native, is that the pursuit...
Read MoreFor my daughter, Maggie When she was my baby in curls, a single stroke of her hand examined my face, with smiles, spit ups and ugh-ugh sounds, almost in the same breath. My ear has...
Read MoreI thought about incense burned under banana trees, the way you may have worn your shirttail out, a childhood rebellion carried into adulthood, the special way you would have held my hand...
Read MoreFairies dance to tunes in lower frequencies, sounds that generate natural tones between the output of thought and sensory sunlight, the kinaesthetic component to multidimensional messages...
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